

  0   MENU DANDELION – 18 Health Benefits Backed by Science > Health > DANDELION – 18 Health Benefits Backed by Science Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) has been cherished for its tremendous healing properties since ancient times. It is a symbol of the true perseverance of nature. Although this plant has a high value, it can be quite a troublesome for the gardeners. The dandelion botanical name “Taraxacum officinale” speaks for its usefulness and refers to the healing effect. Namely, ‘Taraxacum’ comes from the Greek and means ‘anti-inflammatory’ and ‘officinale’ refers to the common name for herbs. However anti-inflammatory effect is not the only benefit of the dandelion. Dandelion can help to fight inflammation, boost immune system, act as an anti aging agent in skin care products and even  treat type 2 diabetes, cancer, and HIV. In this article we write about 18 benefits of the dandelion which are all backed by science. Traditional and Modern Uses of Dandelion According to Chin